Alternative Investments

More On Gambling Systems – System Black Box

In my last article, “Gambling Systems” I talked about gambling systems that involved the actual physical aspects of the games such as the white ball in roulette and the dice in craps. Now I will deal with betting systems that can actually be used in any of the games, except poker.

With the advent of on-line casinos, a whole new world opened up that allowed anyone, anywhere, to gamble. With this phenomena also came a flood of on-line gambling systems. One of these is the very popular, “System Black Box” that capitalizes on the fact that some on-line casinos will offer free gambling “chips” to anyone that signs up with their casino for play. “System Black Box” is designed strictly for on-line casino play. While there are live casinos that have similar offers for free play, it is most often a “match-play” situation in which you must use some of your own money along with the free-play coupon. In other words the coupon is worth $1 if you also play a real dollar with it. Should you win that first bet, you then immediately bet the $2 that you just won, putting the newly acquired house money in play and taking back your $1 original bet. (The $1 coupon is taken, win or lose. It is only good for one play.) If you are considering gambling on-line with any of the games offered, I would encourage you to look into “System Black Box” as a possible tool.

Another very popular betting system is “Betting For Profit” and is also available on-line. The difference is that “Betting For Profit” can work with both on-line play and live play. This system is a bit more in depth and involves an increasing bet according to the last play you made. It is a very good system and also includes what the author calls his “Seven Cardinal Rules Of Gambling.” In “Betting For Profit” you learn how to treat gambling as a business, not as a recreational activity. It is a very realistic approach and can work if you follow the guidelines that are set forth in the method, which is what “Betting For Profit” is actually called. Both “System Black Box” and “Betting For Profit” are what I would call methods as opposed to systems as they both do not deal with the physical aspects of the games and concentrate on betting strategies. I have found, through my extensive experience that betting methods and strategies are really the only valid ways of creating a winning trend in casino gambling. I compare this type of method with playing the stock market, which is of course, just another type of gambling. With the stock market, when someone can double their money, it is a significant gain. With casino gambling, if you want to be successful, you must enter in to that kind of mentality. In “Betting For Profit” the author tells of ways to begin to treat gambling as a business and not as entertainment. This is how a professional gambler approaches gambling. To me, it is akin to guerrilla warfare and in fact must be followed if you are serious about winning. A professional gambler sees gambling as “going to work” instead of entertainment. To gamble professionally you must lose the kind of attitude that puts you at a casino game for fun. That is not to say that you cannot enjoy what you are doing. But you must remember that you are there to make money, not lose it while you are playing and entertaining yourself.

I short, I find that both “System Black Box” and even more so, “Betting For Profit” can actually work for the gambler. With “System Black Box” the player need not know a great deal about the game he or she is playing but must at least know the general rules of whatever game that might be. “Betting For Profit” assumes that the reader is aware of at least some good basic strategy for the chosen game. So the conclusion is that a betting method or procedure can be a valid tool to enable a player to win at casino gambling while the “system” type of play simply does not work and is not really valid. Let me repeat here that when I was working in the casino business, we used to laugh at system players and considered them no threat, while the smart, tough player that knew how to manage his or her money and was able to walk away a winner would more times than not, take a small bite every time that he or she played, and sometimes even a big bite! For more information you can refer back to my previous article, “Gambling Systems”.

Video Production: A Revelation

Video production has changed the way we view the world. It allows us to see and understand what is being presented without the tediousness of reading small print text. Without the presence of a video, it is much more difficult to grasp what is at hand and what is meant to be conveyed through the piece. It was reported that over 700 billion videos have been viewed on YouTube this year alone proving that video production has such a phenomenal impact on the public.

YouTube receives over 3 billion hits per day whether it is through “how to” videos, gag videos, or through music videos, the information is streaming right to the consumer without any buffering or implications. The consumer is able to see the product in a more creative way that enhances its sales and recognition. With its availability and consistency, videos produce the ability to generate opinions, brand recognition, and instill a working relationship with the customer.

Video production companies connect the customers with what they want to see without the fluff and clutter of the words. Web videos are directing them right to the purpose of the article which is ultimately what they want. The viewers’ needs the information now just like every other consumer. Websites that implement web videos immediately draw in the crowd enhancing their experience with the page which improves the site’s search engine ranking. It keeps their interest sparked and juices flowing.

Through the web videos the information is conveyed quickly and effectively, the site is navigated more efficient, knowledge about the company is provided, and it generates popularity among the cohorts. In such cases with video production companies, they are presenting numerous videos displaying their talent and knowledge about the topic. It gives the viewer a chance to see the skills of a video production company and what they have to offer. That is what the viewer wants to see. Knowledge about the company is immediately presented along with a myriad of videos that showcase the company’s expertise in video production.

Video production has the ability to link to other social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn among many other social media platforms. This feature that creates a connection to a greater base of people in due course creating a snowball effect that will increase the companies search engine optimization (SEO). The association of the video with the company will create a remembrance and a better feel of the company because of the video. It allows the viewer to also engage in what the company is presenting through their video. The viewers can post comments about the video, can share the video with their friends and family, and can rank whether they like the video or not. They can be a part of what is going on and what kind of traffic is being generated. This kind of interaction establishes a base between the company and potential client. Regardless of these features, the video is still be viewed by those who visit the site.

The internet has become a necessity to the consumer population. The public spends hours upon hours surfing and searching the internet for medical advice, humor, friends, news, or whatever they please. It has become the main source of consumption. Without the internet, products would not be consumed, companies would not be known, and the consumers would be at a loss. There would not be a channel to produce information.

According to a study conducted by CNN Money Report, it is predicted that online consumer traffic will increase more than 75% in just three years. This increase proves how important video production is to the consumer market and how it has become an absolute necessity. The immediate stream of web video production upon entering a site will not only draw the consumer in, but will also navigate their perception of the product and the company creating a lasting impression.